Fired FBI director James Comey

US bars throwing 'covfefe' parties for televised Comey testimony

US bars are offering $5 Russian vodka drinks, “impeachmint” cocktails and free drinks with every presidential tweet to draw crowds to watch fired FBI Director James Comey's televised testimony to Congress.

Ex-FBI chief Comey says Trump pressured him on Russia probe

Fired FBI director James Comey says that Donald Trump urged him to drop a probe into former national security advisor Michael Flynn, prompting fresh allegations that the US president tried to obstruct justice.

June 9, 2017
June 9, 2017

US bars throwing 'covfefe' parties for televised Comey testimony

US bars are offering $5 Russian vodka drinks, “impeachmint” cocktails and free drinks with every presidential tweet to draw crowds to watch fired FBI Director James Comey's televised testimony to Congress.

June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017

Ex-FBI chief Comey says Trump pressured him on Russia probe

Fired FBI director James Comey says that Donald Trump urged him to drop a probe into former national security advisor Michael Flynn, prompting fresh allegations that the US president tried to obstruct justice.