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The Weekly Tarot Forecast (17 - 23 January)

Tarot is a rich and profound tool that helps you attune to your own subconscious through the use of colours, imagery and symbolism. It is a deck of 78 cards which depict the entirety of the human experience. From the overarching complex themes of our lives to the day-to-day situations, such as emotions, thoughts and words, finances and motivations and beliefs - all of these are depicted in the tarot cards. The most amazing thing about tarot is that it can offer you a glimpse into the future.

Yearly horoscope forecast for 2023: A chapter for new beginnings

The new year has already started, and it’s pretty evident that most of you have already started it with unreasonable or completely predictable “New Year’s resolutions” to bide by for another year. Instead of attempting these “resolutions”, and then failing miserably by the end of January, why not find out what’s in store for you this year, and simply work to achieve these goals instead?

January 17, 2023
January 17, 2023

The Weekly Tarot Forecast (17 - 23 January)

Tarot is a rich and profound tool that helps you attune to your own subconscious through the use of colours, imagery and symbolism. It is a deck of 78 cards which depict the entirety of the human experience. From the overarching complex themes of our lives to the day-to-day situations, such as emotions, thoughts and words, finances and motivations and beliefs - all of these are depicted in the tarot cards. The most amazing thing about tarot is that it can offer you a glimpse into the future.

January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023

Yearly horoscope forecast for 2023: A chapter for new beginnings

The new year has already started, and it’s pretty evident that most of you have already started it with unreasonable or completely predictable “New Year’s resolutions” to bide by for another year. Instead of attempting these “resolutions”, and then failing miserably by the end of January, why not find out what’s in store for you this year, and simply work to achieve these goals instead?