
For global water crisis, climate may be the last straw

Before man-made climate change kicked in -- and well before “Day Zero” in Cape Town, where taps may run dry in early May -- the global water crisis was upon us. Freshwater resources were already badly stressed before heat-trapping carbon emissions from fossil fuels began to warm Earth’s surface and affect rainfall.

Countries turn saltwater into drinkable water using solar power

Countries like Saudi Arabia are using solar powered desalination plants to turn saltwater into drinkable water to meet the worldwide water crisis.

February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018

For global water crisis, climate may be the last straw

Before man-made climate change kicked in -- and well before “Day Zero” in Cape Town, where taps may run dry in early May -- the global water crisis was upon us. Freshwater resources were already badly stressed before heat-trapping carbon emissions from fossil fuels began to warm Earth’s surface and affect rainfall.

May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016

Countries turn saltwater into drinkable water using solar power

Countries like Saudi Arabia are using solar powered desalination plants to turn saltwater into drinkable water to meet the worldwide water crisis.