A new reality talent show, “The Cage”, aims to elevate the rock band scene in Bangladesh. Launched to provide a platform for emerging rock bands, the competition is designed to showcase undiscovered musical talent from across the country.
“Megh Roddur Khela” is set to release in theatres on December 30.
In collaboration with composer and lyricist Shafiq Tuhin, legendary singer Runa Laila has lent her voice to the song “Jodi Proshno koro”.
A new reality talent show, “The Cage”, aims to elevate the rock band scene in Bangladesh. Launched to provide a platform for emerging rock bands, the competition is designed to showcase undiscovered musical talent from across the country.
“Megh Roddur Khela” is set to release in theatres on December 30.
In collaboration with composer and lyricist Shafiq Tuhin, legendary singer Runa Laila has lent her voice to the song “Jodi Proshno koro”.