The prices of major garment items exported to the US declined year-on-year in the January-October period this year as American consumers are yet to recover from heightened inflationary pressures..During the 10 months, the price of men’s cotton woven trousers declined by 7.7 percent, accor
International clothing retailers and brands yesterday expressed concern about the timely shipment of goods following the latest spell of violence stemming from the quota reform movement, imposition of curfew and five-day internet blackout, which crippled economic activities.
They gave assurance of not seeking any discount or air shipment or cancelling work orders
Production and shipments are dependent on strict lead times set by international clothing retailers and brands, yet the factories have had to be kept shut for the past three days
Garment export to the United States, Bangladesh’s single largest market, is showing signs of a rebound on the back of a revival of the world’s largest economy, consumers opening up their wallets, and falling inflation.
Bangladesh should expedite the making of garments from man-made fibre (MMF) as it will account for 60 percent of the value of globally traded garments items in 2030 compared to 50 percent in 2022, according to a study.
Garments from Bangladesh have been a key driver behind the surge in export cargo trans-shipment at the Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL) in the last one year but the development has upset Indian apparel suppliers..On February 7 last year, India allowed DIAL to serve as a cargo tra
The textile and garment sector witnessed a very dry investment season in 2023 as demand for clothing items fell globally
If it’s left to garment suppliers, the green transition will take decades.
Bureau 555, a joint venture between two entrepreneurs of Bangladesh and the United Kingdom, has been facilitating garment exports through the country’s first digital fabrics development facility in Gulshan, Dhaka.
It gives special training to 160 students, weavers, Jamdani makers
Bangladesh’s plans aimed at diversifying export baskets are yet to bring about the expected results as the priority sectors are not enjoying most of the benefits promised in the Export Policy for 2021-24, according to entrepreneurs.
Bangladesh has become one of the important hotspots for textile and garment machinery amidst the quest of entrepreneurs to improve productivity and cater to orders of apparel shifting from other countries.
British retail giant Primark’s CEO Paul Marchant has praised the development Bangladesh’s garment sector has achieved in production of apparels in green factories.
Bangladesh is poised to become the source of most of the European Union’s (EU) apparel as China, the largest apparel supplier worldwide, is witnessing a decrease in its share of trade with the bloc.
Bangladesh economy was all set at the beginning of 2022 to get its growth momentum back after recovering from the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic. But, the start of the Ukraine war in February slowed the country’s joy run significantly, making it an eventful year to remember. Let’s see how 2022 was for Bangladesh.
International buyers are consistently paying lower than the global average price to apparel suppliers in Bangladesh but higher to some of the country’s competitors, according to the International Trade Centre (ITC).
Garment suppliers in Bangladesh are facing difficulties in delivering goods to international clothing retailers and brands on time due to extreme load-shedding, BGMEA President Faruque Hassan said today.
Despite a lot of emphasis by policy-makers on cutting dependence on a single product for exports over the years, the share of readymade garments has increased gradually, putting external sales, jobs, and the economy as a whole at risk.