
UN General Assembly to debate call for end to Israeli occupation

In response, Arab countries have called for a special session of the assembly just days before dozens of heads of state and government descend on the UN headquarters this month to address the kick off of this year's General Assembly session.

Time for a Gaza truce deal, says US

Miller said Washington would work "over the coming days" with fellow mediators Egypt and Qatar "to push for a final agreement".

Gaza journalist killed in alleged Israeli fire

Palestinian Daily News, a website for which Muharab worked, announced his death "following shelling from the Israeli occupation on him and a group of journalists".

Blinken says Gaza talks 'maybe the last' chance for truce

The top US diplomat said President Joe Biden had sent him "to get this agreement to the line and ultimately over the line".

Extreme heat poses new challenge for aid agencies in Gaza

Now the stifling heat is denying him the rest he needs to recover his strength. He sweats all the time and this is irritating his leg and making it swell.

We are all biomass

We all know that we are part of nature and fully dependent on it for our survival, yet this recognition does not translate into action.

‘Bridgerton’ actress Nicola Coughlan raises $1.9m for Gaza aid

Irish actress Nicola Coughlan, widely recognised for her portrayal of Penelope Featherington in the popular Netflix series "Bridgerton", has successfully raised more than £1.5 million (USD 1.9 million) to support aid initiatives in Gaza over the last seven months.

The power of words: Nikki Haley’s call to ‘finish them’ off

Former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley's recent visit to Israel ignited controversy.

AFC back Palestine bid to suspend Israel, abolishes term limits

The Asian Football Confederation gave its backing to Palestine's proposal to suspend Israel from FIFA due to the ongoing war in Gaza at its congress in Bangkok on Thursday, as the regional body also abolished term limits for its senior office bearers.

May 16, 2018
May 16, 2018

An effective shelving of the two-state solution

With the death toll mounting to 58 last Monday thanks largely to a trigger-happy Israeli military and smiles all around Tel Aviv and Washington the two-state solution is all but dead and buried. When President Trump decided to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, all pretence of a negotiated settlement was effectively thrown out the window and what is happening in Gaza today points to a mindset that

May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018

Rights bodies denounce killings of Palestinians at Gaza border

Israeli forces faced accusations of committing war crimes and using "disproportionate force" against Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza yesterday on the deadliest day of cross-border violence since a devastating 2014 war between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers.

May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018

Int’l community condemns Gaza violence

On the bloodiest single day for Palestinians since the Gaza conflict in 2014, Israeli troops shot dead 55 Palestinian protesters on the Gaza border on Monday as the United States opened its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem. The international community has strongly condemned the continuing violence along the Gaza-Israel border.

May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018

US opens its Jerusalem embassy in ceremony

The United States officially opens its deeply controversial Jerusalem embassy in a ceremony that included a video address by President Donald Trump.

May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018

Trump calls Jerusalem embassy move 'a great day for Israel'

US President Donald Trump hail the scheduled opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem as "a great day for Israel," even as deadly clashes erupted between Palestinians and Israeli security forces on the Gaza border.

March 30, 2018
March 30, 2018

8 dead as thousands of Gazans march near Israel border

Clashes erupt as tens of thousands of Gazans marched near the Israeli border in a major protest, leaving eight Palestinians dead and many more wounded in one of the worst days of violence in recent years.

April 18, 2016
April 18, 2016

Israel uncovers ‘new’ tunnel from Gaza

Israel's military says it has uncovered and "neutralised" a tunnel extending from the Gaza Strip several hundred metres inside Israeli territory.

October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015

4 Palestinians killed in anti-Israeli knife attacks

Four Palestinians are shot dead and a fifth wounded in attacks on Israelis in east Jerusalem and the West Bank Saturday, as violence that has fuelled concerns of an uprising showed no let-up.

October 10, 2015
October 10, 2015

Israeli-Palestinian violence: Gaza rocket lands in Israel

The Israeli military says Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fire a rocket into southern Israel, amid a sharp increase in tensions.

July 9, 2015
July 9, 2015

2 citizens held in Gaza: Israel

The Israeli defence ministry says that two Israelis, including an Arab, were being held captive in the Gaza Strip, accusing Hamas of holding one of them.

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