global price hikes

Bangladesh Economy: What got you here won’t get you there

Over the years, Bangladesh has achieved considerable economic progress despite many odds. The economy, however, has now reached a point where continued progress will require course corrections, as alluded by the title of this write up, which is also the subtitle of a bestselling business book.

21st Century US 'dustbowl' risk assessed

US scientists have modelled how a 1930s-like "dustbowl" drought might impact American agriculture today, and found it to be just as damaging.

May 17, 2022
May 17, 2022

Bangladesh Economy: What got you here won’t get you there

Over the years, Bangladesh has achieved considerable economic progress despite many odds. The economy, however, has now reached a point where continued progress will require course corrections, as alluded by the title of this write up, which is also the subtitle of a bestselling business book.

February 13, 2016
February 13, 2016

21st Century US 'dustbowl' risk assessed

US scientists have modelled how a 1930s-like "dustbowl" drought might impact American agriculture today, and found it to be just as damaging.

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