
Scientists have no clue what to do with this ‘incredible’ material

Flexible computer screens, long-living batteries, and lightening fast microcomputers are just a few examples of the countless potential applications of graphene — one of the world's thinnest, yet strongest, materials ever synthesized, reports Business Insider.

Graphene light bulb set for shops

A light bulb made from graphene is th first commercially viable consumer product using the super-strong carbon, according to the developers from the UK

August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015

Scientists have no clue what to do with this ‘incredible’ material

Flexible computer screens, long-living batteries, and lightening fast microcomputers are just a few examples of the countless potential applications of graphene — one of the world's thinnest, yet strongest, materials ever synthesized, reports Business Insider.

March 28, 2015
March 28, 2015

Graphene light bulb set for shops

A light bulb made from graphene is th first commercially viable consumer product using the super-strong carbon, according to the developers from the UK