Isn't it time we stopped running after the GSP?

I am not ruling out the possibility of Bangladesh being granted a place in the GSP+. I would rather argue that we need to also prepare for a time when we can stand on our own two feet as far as international trade is concerned. To do this, I believe we now need to make faster moves on bilateral Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and also preferential trading agreements (PTAs) with some of our existing trading partners, where we can negotiate mutually gainful benefits and opportunities. It is a new game that our government and businesses must start preparing for.

What will Bangladesh get out of Donald Lu's visit?

Lu’s trip looked at how the two nations interact generally. If we focus on the visit's particulars, there were discussions that took place on governance, economic governance, strategy, and other economic concerns.

Take steps to reinstate GSP

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi yesterday asked US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R Miller to take steps to reinstate the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) status for Bangladesh as the country has made significant progress in workplace safety.

Bangladesh won't seek GSP from US anymore: commerce minister

Bangladesh will not demand the restoration of the generalised system of preferences to the US anymore as Washington has added new

Export to US down nearly 5 percent

When it comes to RMG, Bangladesh unfortunately lags behind its biggest competitors since 40 percent of fabrics need to be imported due to the inability of local industry to meet needs on time. Gearing up local yarn makers to become more efficient is a long term affair.

Editorial / Retaining EU GSP facilities

The European Union (EU) letter to the government threatening removal of GSP facilities if there is no tangible progress on labour rights comes in the heels of ban on cargo flights out of Bangladesh.

US lauds Bangladesh’s progress on GSP action plan

The United States has appreciated Bangladesh’s progress on sustainability compact and GSP plan of action, a press release of Bangladesh embassy in Washington DC said.

BD-US Ticfa meeting in Washington Monday

Bangladesh and the United States will hold the second round of Ticfa meeting in Washington on Monday in which Bangladesh will highlight the progress in terms of RMG sector reforms with a high hope to get back GSP benefit in the US market.

Tofail hopes for restoring GSP during Ticfa talks

Bangladesh expects to restore the generalised system of preferences (GSP) status during the upcoming Ticfa meeting, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed says.

September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015

Ditto and more…

What does the US gain by not restoring the GSP facility? And what do we lose?

September 22, 2015
September 22, 2015

‘Dhaka closely working with US to root out terrorism’

Bangladesh is diligently working with the United States to root out violent extremism, says Bangladesh Ambassador to the US Mohammad Ziauddin.

September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015

PM blames Khaleda, Jamaat for losing GSP

Blaming Khaleda Zia and Jamaat-e-Islami for loosing GSP facility in the US market, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina says the BNP chief and Jamaat have been spreading propaganda against the country by appointing lobbyists.

August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015

“It smells of double standards“

I am not in support of the fact that Bangladesh was left out of the GSP programme by the US. It smells of double standards.

August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015

“The US should give us the GSP to inspire us to do better”

It is very unfortunate. The world knows that conditions are getting better in Bangladesh. We are working closely with the government, the ILO, the EU and others.

August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015

US' 'No' to GSP: One-sided love affair!

Though US-Bangla interactions have evolved on a love-hate trajectory, an exception is made in relation to the GSP facility for Bangladesh. Dhaka's obsession with it has not been reciprocated by Washington.

August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015

Making RMG compliance mandatory

A recently held seminar in the city organized by the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) brought together union representatives, business leaders in garments industry and other stakeholders to deliberate on the issue of compliance.

August 13, 2015
August 13, 2015


GSP is always riddled with the subjectivity of the benefit granting countries. Indeed, trade analysts would recognise that this element of subjectivity is one of the fundamental problems with the GSP regimes.

August 11, 2015
August 11, 2015

No more initiative to regain GSP: Tofail

Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed says the government will not take any more initiative to regain the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) status in the US market.

August 11, 2015
August 11, 2015

GSP: Bangladesh’s reforms and unfinished tasks

Bangladesh made unprecedented progress in labour and safety standards over the last two years, which had raised hopes for the country of regaining trade benefits from the United States.

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