Hawaii's Kilauea volcano

Ash cloud from Hawaii volcano sparks aviation red alert

Explosions intensify on Hawaii's Kilauea volcano, spewing ash and sparking a red alert for aviation for the first time since the latest eruption began 12 days ago.

New fissures open up near Hawaiian volcano as danger persists

The Kilauea volcano, the most active in Hawaii, is highly unstable as lava spouts into the air and fissures emit deadly gases -- hazards that have forced thousands of people to evacuate.

Fresh quakes hit Hawaii after Kilauea volcano erupts

A series of fresh earthquakes, including a powerful magnitude 6.9, hit Hawaii's Big Island, where the Kilauea volcano has been spewing fountains of lava into residential areas and forcing hundreds to evacuate.

Hawaii volcano erupts, spewing lava and prompting thousands to flee

The US state of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupted Thursday, causing lava to spew out of ground fissures in residential areas and prompting thousands of people to flee.

May 16, 2018
May 16, 2018

Ash cloud from Hawaii volcano sparks aviation red alert

Explosions intensify on Hawaii's Kilauea volcano, spewing ash and sparking a red alert for aviation for the first time since the latest eruption began 12 days ago.

May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018

New fissures open up near Hawaiian volcano as danger persists

The Kilauea volcano, the most active in Hawaii, is highly unstable as lava spouts into the air and fissures emit deadly gases -- hazards that have forced thousands of people to evacuate.

May 5, 2018
May 5, 2018

Fresh quakes hit Hawaii after Kilauea volcano erupts

A series of fresh earthquakes, including a powerful magnitude 6.9, hit Hawaii's Big Island, where the Kilauea volcano has been spewing fountains of lava into residential areas and forcing hundreds to evacuate.

May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018

Hawaii volcano erupts, spewing lava and prompting thousands to flee

The US state of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano erupted Thursday, causing lava to spew out of ground fissures in residential areas and prompting thousands of people to flee.