Hillary Clinton

Hillary rules out another presidential run in 2020

Hillary Clinton has for the first time ruled out running for president in 2020. "I'm not running, but I'm going to keep on working and speaking and standing up for what I believe," Clinton said Monday in an interview with News 12, a local TV channel in New York.

Hillary Clinton set to produce TV project about women's suffrage

Following in the footsteps of the Obamas and her husband Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton is now trying her hand at production. The former secretary of state has teamed up with Steven Spielberg to bring Elaine Weiss' critically acclaimed book, The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote, to television.

Trump son sought information on Clinton from Russians in 2016

US President Donald Trump acknowledges that his son met with Russians in 2016 at Trump Tower to get information on his election opponent Hillary Clinton, saying it was "totally legal" and "done all the time in politics."

Trump comes ahead with fresh criticism of Russia inquiry

President Donald Trump expressed renewed frustration Sunday over the investigations into alleged ties between his campaign associates and Russian government officials, saying on Twitter that the “facts are pouring out” about links to Russia by his former presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton.

Asian Editors Circle / The world needs empowered women more than ever

"Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world,” former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once said. Her words ring particularly true in Asia, where stereotypes and cultural norms continue to prevent millions of women from fulfilling their real potential.

Hillary Clinton demonstrates 'alternate nostril breathing' during interview

Hillary Clinton showed off just how she has been handling her loss to President Donald Trump since the 2016 election while promoting her new campaign memoir, reports the Daily Mail Online.

[WATCH] Dhakaites react to victory of Donald Trump

Dhaka dwellers express their instant reaction as Donald Trump wins the American election to become the 45th President of the United States.

Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with Hillary at State

More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state are found to have given money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation.

Will Hillary Clinton create history come November?

In a little over two months from now, history may be created if Hillary Clinton is elected the first woman president of the United States of America. Some assert, the question now is not 'if' she will win but by 'how much'.

February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016

South Carolina primary: Huge win for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton wins the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary, with polls projecting a large margin between her and rival Bernie Sanders.

February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016

US election 2016: Trump wins South Carolina, as Clinton takes Nevada

Donald Trump has won the South Carolina primary in the Republican race for president, cementing his status as the man to beat for his party's nomination. In the Democratic contest, Hillary Clinton beats Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in a tight race in Nevada.

February 12, 2016
February 12, 2016

Clinton slams Sanders 'promises' in debate

Two days after her humiliating New Hampshire defeat, White House hopeful Hillary Clinton sought to regain the upper hand against her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders in their debate, denouncing his proposals as unrealistic and costly.

January 30, 2016
January 30, 2016

US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

The Obama administration confirms for the first time that Hillary Clinton's home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails that contained material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes three days before Clinton competes in the Iowa presidential caucuses.

January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016

Tina Fey returns to SNL in parody of Palin endorsing Trump

Tina Fey reprised her role as Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live" this weekend, and as per usual, she nailed it.

January 20, 2016
January 20, 2016

Can you recognise your favorite celebrities?

Do you think you know your celluloid favorites well enough to recognise them anywhere, in any state?

January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016

Embrace time of 'extraordinary change': Obama

President Barack Obama told Americans nervous about terror and the changing economy that they should not fear the future, in a farewell State of the Union address that drew sharp contrast with Republicans.

December 9, 2015
December 9, 2015

Trump’s remark endangers ‘US security’

Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric undermines US national security by boosting the Islamic State (IS) group, the Pentagon warns.

December 3, 2015
December 3, 2015

Modi has clear vision for India, Obama feels: White House

US President Barack Obama has found a politician who is honest and has a clear vision for India in PM Narendra Modi, with whom he has held meetings on several occasions, says The White House according to Times of India.

December 3, 2015
December 3, 2015

Suspects named after US mass shooting

At least 14 people were killed in a shooting at a holiday party in California, triggering a massive manhunt which ended when police shot dead two heavily armed suspects -- a man and a woman -- on a quiet residential street.

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