Hindu nationalist group

Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra apologises over 'Quantico' Hindu terror plot

Bollywood superstar Priyanka Chopra apologises today after a furore over a US TV series that showed her uncovering a terror plot hatched by Indian Hindu nationalists.

The hardliners behind India Prime Minister Narendra Modi

An ascendant Hindu nationalist group wants minority Muslims and Christians to accept that India is a nation of Hindus, and is pushing some of them to convert.

June 10, 2018
June 10, 2018

Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra apologises over 'Quantico' Hindu terror plot

Bollywood superstar Priyanka Chopra apologises today after a furore over a US TV series that showed her uncovering a terror plot hatched by Indian Hindu nationalists.

October 13, 2015
October 13, 2015

The hardliners behind India Prime Minister Narendra Modi

An ascendant Hindu nationalist group wants minority Muslims and Christians to accept that India is a nation of Hindus, and is pushing some of them to convert.