illustrated book

THE SHELF / Book remedies for children from the shelves of CholPori

Every recommendation on this list is specifically aimed at allaying the common psychological ailments of childhood.

Book review: Fiction / Witnessing the council of animals in the Sundarbans

Mayurpankhi’s books have the calibre to engage readers of all ages. This book is not an exception either.

Have you met the ‘Ghost of Fire’?

Given the background of the main characters, Bhooter Agun has a diverse narrative and depicts a world of diverging cultures, traditions, customs, and practices.

December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023

Book remedies for children from the shelves of CholPori

Every recommendation on this list is specifically aimed at allaying the common psychological ailments of childhood.

November 13, 2023
November 13, 2023

Witnessing the council of animals in the Sundarbans

Mayurpankhi’s books have the calibre to engage readers of all ages. This book is not an exception either.

July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023

Have you met the ‘Ghost of Fire’?

Given the background of the main characters, Bhooter Agun has a diverse narrative and depicts a world of diverging cultures, traditions, customs, and practices.