India gay sex

Gay sex no more a crime in India

India's top court scrapped a colonial-era ban on gay sex yesterday, in a landmark judgement that sparked celebrations across India and elsewhere in South Asia, where activists hope to push for similar reform.

TIMELINE: Indian SC decriminalises Section 377

The Times of India prepares the following timeline of events which led to this historic verdict in which the Indian Supreme Court rules that consensual adult gay sex is not a crime saying sexual orientation is natural and people have no control on it.

September 7, 2018
September 7, 2018

Gay sex no more a crime in India

India's top court scrapped a colonial-era ban on gay sex yesterday, in a landmark judgement that sparked celebrations across India and elsewhere in South Asia, where activists hope to push for similar reform.

September 6, 2018
September 6, 2018

TIMELINE: Indian SC decriminalises Section 377

The Times of India prepares the following timeline of events which led to this historic verdict in which the Indian Supreme Court rules that consensual adult gay sex is not a crime saying sexual orientation is natural and people have no control on it.