
Move to Raise Mps' Pay / JS body wants PM, Speaker to step in

A parliamentary body yesterday sought the intervention of the prime minister and the Speaker to increase lawmakers' remuneration and allowances to a “logical level”, considering their status and expenditure.

Salahuddin’s wife seeks PM’s help, again

The wife of “missing” BNP leader Salahuddin Ahmed moves a memo seeking the prime minister’s intervention to trace her husband’s whereabouts.

March 31, 2016
March 31, 2016

JS body wants PM, Speaker to step in

A parliamentary body yesterday sought the intervention of the prime minister and the Speaker to increase lawmakers' remuneration and allowances to a “logical level”, considering their status and expenditure.

April 7, 2015
April 7, 2015

Salahuddin’s wife seeks PM’s help, again

The wife of “missing” BNP leader Salahuddin Ahmed moves a memo seeking the prime minister’s intervention to trace her husband’s whereabouts.

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