Islamic Attack

Danger of chemical attack: French PM

French PM Manuel Valls warns that France could face chemical or biological attack from terror groups, as MPs debate extending the state of emergency after the Paris attacks.

Editorial / Government's anti- militancy campaign

Despite a commendable initiative by the government to combat militancy by targeting schools, madrasas and mosques, lethargic implementation has reduced it to a forgotten official circular.

Syria Crisis: Islamic State 'kills 120 civilians' in Kobane

Islamic State (IS) militants kills more than 120 civilians since launching a fresh attack on the Syrian border town of Kobane, activists say.

Vatican link in 'al-Qaeda' arrests

Suspected extremists being investigated in Italy over links to al-Qaeda may have been planning an attack on the Vatican in 2010, prosecutors say.

November 19, 2015
November 19, 2015

Danger of chemical attack: French PM

French PM Manuel Valls warns that France could face chemical or biological attack from terror groups, as MPs debate extending the state of emergency after the Paris attacks.

October 15, 2015
October 15, 2015

Government's anti- militancy campaign

Despite a commendable initiative by the government to combat militancy by targeting schools, madrasas and mosques, lethargic implementation has reduced it to a forgotten official circular.

June 26, 2015
June 26, 2015

Syria Crisis: Islamic State 'kills 120 civilians' in Kobane

Islamic State (IS) militants kills more than 120 civilians since launching a fresh attack on the Syrian border town of Kobane, activists say.

April 24, 2015
April 24, 2015

Vatican link in 'al-Qaeda' arrests

Suspected extremists being investigated in Italy over links to al-Qaeda may have been planning an attack on the Vatican in 2010, prosecutors say.