
Project Syndicate / Assange is free, but are we?

I fought for years with and for Julian Assange. In what sense are we who breathe the fresh air outside prisons still free?

What I've learnt from Noam Chomsky

I once asked Noam Chomsky how he manages to remember so many facts and figures.

When will the US gain ‘independence’ from Israel?

Authorities in the US are eroding long-established principles and values in order to support Israel’s apartheid rule.

What does the recognition of European nations mean for Palestine?

However, the recognition, in practical terms, is only a symbolic move.

Gaza boys turn to football to forget, for a moment, the war

Shouting and screaming with glee and frustration, Gazan boys kicked footballs around with their bare feet. It could have been almost anywhere in the world, but this was a sandy soccer field surrounded by tents in war-torn Gaza.

The power of words: Nikki Haley’s call to ‘finish them’ off

Former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley's recent visit to Israel ignited controversy.

Palestinian officials say dozens killed in Israeli strikes on Rafah

The Hamas-run government media office in Gaza earlier said the attack hit a centre run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees near Rafah, branding it a "horrific massacre".

AFC back Palestine bid to suspend Israel, abolishes term limits

The Asian Football Confederation gave its backing to Palestine's proposal to suspend Israel from FIFA due to the ongoing war in Gaza at its congress in Bangkok on Thursday, as the regional body also abolished term limits for its senior office bearers.

Analysis / Biden unlikely to cut Iran's oil lifeline after Israel attack

The political pressure to punish Iran creates a thorny problem for the administration: how to deter such attacks in future without escalating regional tensions, raising oil prices or antagonizing China, the biggest buyer of Iranian oil.

March 1, 2018
March 1, 2018

Bibi's Faustian bargain

On February 13, after an investigation that began in 2016, the Israeli police recommended charges against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. Now, the spotlight is on Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who must decide whether to issue a formal indictment against a man who has become virtually synonymous with modern Israeli politics.

December 9, 2017
December 9, 2017

Israeli retaliation strikes kill 2 Palestinian gunmen in Gaza

Israel launches fresh airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to rocket fire from the enclave and the Palestinian Islamist Hamas group says two of its gunmen are killed in the bombings.

December 8, 2017
December 8, 2017

Hundreds more Israeli police deployed ahead of main Muslim prayers

Israel deploys hundreds of additional police officers following Palestinian calls for protests after the main weekly Muslim prayers against US President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

December 7, 2017
December 7, 2017

Jerusalem conflict: A timeline

Conflicts over Jerusalem go back thousands of years — including biblical times, the Roman Empire and the Crusades — but the current one is a distinctly 20th-century story, with roots in colonialism, nationalism and anti-Semitism.

November 20, 2017
November 20, 2017

Israeli minister reveals covert contacts with Saudi Arabia

An Israeli cabinet minister says that Israel has had covert contacts with Saudi Arabia amid common concerns over Iran, a first disclosure by a senior official from either country of long-rumoured secret dealings.

July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017

Israel removes metal detectors from sensitive holy site

Israel removed metal detectors from a highly sensitive Jerusalem holy site in the pre-dawn hours of Tuesday and said they would no longer be used after the new security measures set off deadly violence.

July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017

2 killed in shooting at Israeli embassy in Jordan

Two Jordanians are killed and an Israeli is wounded by gunfire Sunday in a residential building at the Israeli embassy compound in Jordan’s capital, the kingdom’s Public Security Directorate said.

July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017

‘This is normal for Palestine’

Though Jerusalem is about nine kilometers from Bethlehem, the Bangladesh U-23 football team players have apparently been spending anxious hours due to the unrest over new Israeli security measures at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound which left three Palestinians dead over the last week.

August 24, 2016
August 24, 2016

Celtic fans raise funds for Palestine

Two Palestinian charities have picked up an unexpected financial windfall with £45000 (52000 euros, $59000) raised by supporters of Scottish Champions Celtic.

August 16, 2016
August 16, 2016

Egyptian judoka sent home over handshake refusal with Israeli

Egyptian judoka Islam El Shehaby has been sent home from the Rio Olympics after refusing to shake the hand of Israeli Or Sasson following the end of their bout.

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