IS's claim of responsibillity

IS claims responsibility for Ashulia checkpost attack: SITE

IS claims responsibility for attack on police checkpost at Ashulia that left a constable dead, US-based SITE Intelligence Group says.

SITE defends IS claim of Bangladesh attacks

The US-based SITE Intelligence Group stood by its reports on the Islamic State’s (IS) claims of the responsibility for the killings of two foreigners and bomb attacks on Shia headquarters in the country.

November 5, 2015
November 5, 2015

IS claims responsibility for Ashulia checkpost attack: SITE

IS claims responsibility for attack on police checkpost at Ashulia that left a constable dead, US-based SITE Intelligence Group says.

October 28, 2015
October 28, 2015

SITE defends IS claim of Bangladesh attacks

The US-based SITE Intelligence Group stood by its reports on the Islamic State’s (IS) claims of the responsibility for the killings of two foreigners and bomb attacks on Shia headquarters in the country.