The device, created by IUB BongoMarine, has already earned recognition on the global stage.
The teams have qualified for the Singapore AUV Challenge 2025 (SAUVC 2025).
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) has achieved the joint-top spot among private universities in Bangladesh in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025. IUB is placed in the 401-500 bracket globally and ranked fifth among all public and private universities in the country.
IUB hosted the first “Durbin Exhibition” on October 31 as part of “Astronomy Night 8”.
Team IUB BongoMarine from Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) has finished in the top 15 of the prestigious Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition (SAUVC 24)
IUB Presents 1st Bangladesh Female Squash Tournament 2024 was held on February 28 and 29 at the brand-new squash court at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).
Universities should be about creating the next generation of thinkers, right? Even in terms of skills, haven’t we been failing largely?
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) hosted the prize giving ceremony of “IUB Gaming Fest 2022” on November 30.
“Here one will find on state policy analysis and societal dynamics–exploring grey areas and bringing multidimensional analysis to the refugee crisis”, said Professor Dr Meghna Guhathakurta.
The device, created by IUB BongoMarine, has already earned recognition on the global stage.
The teams have qualified for the Singapore AUV Challenge 2025 (SAUVC 2025).
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) has achieved the joint-top spot among private universities in Bangladesh in the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025. IUB is placed in the 401-500 bracket globally and ranked fifth among all public and private universities in the country.
IUB hosted the first “Durbin Exhibition” on October 31 as part of “Astronomy Night 8”.
Team IUB BongoMarine from Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) has finished in the top 15 of the prestigious Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition (SAUVC 24)
IUB Presents 1st Bangladesh Female Squash Tournament 2024 was held on February 28 and 29 at the brand-new squash court at Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB).
Universities should be about creating the next generation of thinkers, right? Even in terms of skills, haven’t we been failing largely?
Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) hosted the prize giving ceremony of “IUB Gaming Fest 2022” on November 30.
“Here one will find on state policy analysis and societal dynamics–exploring grey areas and bringing multidimensional analysis to the refugee crisis”, said Professor Dr Meghna Guhathakurta.
Prof. Saifur Rahman is the first Bangladeshi to become the President Elect for IEEE.