Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda needed therapy, acting coach to make Netflix show

Jane Fonda says the challenges of episodic television made her seek counseling.

GRAPE VINE / Oscar Winner Jane Fonda Back In Oscar Hunt with

After more than 50 years in the biz, Jane Fonda is looking, and feeling more youthful than ever. So it seems entirely appropriate...

May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016

Jane Fonda needed therapy, acting coach to make Netflix show

Jane Fonda says the challenges of episodic television made her seek counseling.

December 5, 2015
December 5, 2015

Oscar Winner Jane Fonda Back In Oscar Hunt with

After more than 50 years in the biz, Jane Fonda is looking, and feeling more youthful than ever. So it seems entirely appropriate...

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