John Wick, in a whole new light as the beloved thriller franchise, takes a thrilling leap into the realm of Japanese anime. Director Chad Stahelski recently spilled the beans on an upcoming project that is sure to set pulses racing among fans—a John Wick anime series, crafted in collaboration with Japanese talent.
Academy Award nominated actress, Ana De Armas is set to star as the titular character, Rooney, who made a cameo appearance in “John Wick 3” played by real life ballerina Unity Phelan.
John Wick, in a whole new light as the beloved thriller franchise, takes a thrilling leap into the realm of Japanese anime. Director Chad Stahelski recently spilled the beans on an upcoming project that is sure to set pulses racing among fans—a John Wick anime series, crafted in collaboration with Japanese talent.
Academy Award nominated actress, Ana De Armas is set to star as the titular character, Rooney, who made a cameo appearance in “John Wick 3” played by real life ballerina Unity Phelan.