A film is in production centering on Picchi Hannan, a prominent figure among Bangladesh's terrorists. Indian filmmaker Subhajit Chakraborty is set to direct the project titled "Hannan".
The Apu Biswas starrer, "Prem Pritir Bandhan", directed by Solaiman Ali Lebu, will be releasing this Eid in theatres. In this film, Joy Chowdhury stars opposite Dhallywood actress Apu Biswas.
A film is in production centering on Picchi Hannan, a prominent figure among Bangladesh's terrorists. Indian filmmaker Subhajit Chakraborty is set to direct the project titled "Hannan".
The Apu Biswas starrer, "Prem Pritir Bandhan", directed by Solaiman Ali Lebu, will be releasing this Eid in theatres. In this film, Joy Chowdhury stars opposite Dhallywood actress Apu Biswas.