
‘Joruri Shongjog’ concert raises Tk 21 lakh and 20 truckloads of relief for flood victims

On Friday, August 23, a concert titled “Joruri Shongjog” was held at the base of the Raju Memorial Sculpture at Dhaka University to raise funds for flood victims. The event commenced in the afternoon where a large gathering came forward to contribute to the cause.

August 24, 2024
August 24, 2024

‘Joruri Shongjog’ concert raises Tk 21 lakh and 20 truckloads of relief for flood victims

On Friday, August 23, a concert titled “Joruri Shongjog” was held at the base of the Raju Memorial Sculpture at Dhaka University to raise funds for flood victims. The event commenced in the afternoon where a large gathering came forward to contribute to the cause.

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