Khero Khata

POETRY / The things I wish I had never known

I skip talking to myself for hours / The “me time”, before going to bed

POETRY / burnt honey

i quite like the smell of cloves, even more when they're burning/ turning charcoal in front of my eyes

POETRY / The searing beast

Sweat beads upon my brow, my shirt begins to cling/ The vile monster's tendrils reach out, adhesive

June 26, 2024
June 26, 2024

The things I wish I had never known

I skip talking to myself for hours / The “me time”, before going to bed

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

burnt honey

i quite like the smell of cloves, even more when they're burning/ turning charcoal in front of my eyes

June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024

The searing beast

Sweat beads upon my brow, my shirt begins to cling/ The vile monster's tendrils reach out, adhesive

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