
Verdict on Gopalganj 76kg bomb recovery case Aug 20

A Dhaka court will deliver verdict on August 20 in a case filed over recovery of a 76 kg bomb in Kotalipara upazila of Gopalganj in 2000.

UNO in trouble

He wanted to enter the exam hall where his son was taking the SSC tests. But the UNO didn't allow this and asked him to leave the exam centre.

August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017

Verdict on Gopalganj 76kg bomb recovery case Aug 20

A Dhaka court will deliver verdict on August 20 in a case filed over recovery of a 76 kg bomb in Kotalipara upazila of Gopalganj in 2000.

February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016

UNO in trouble

He wanted to enter the exam hall where his son was taking the SSC tests. But the UNO didn't allow this and asked him to leave the exam centre.

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