Labour leader Keir Starmer

Surrealism and dark arts: Leaving citizens behind

Under the Tories, the emperor lost its clothes—if it ever had any. Its international rhetoric of “leave no one behind” is a hollow slogan at home.

No class war from Britain’s most working-class government

The United Kingdom will have a new Labour government whose class composition will be radically different from previous ones.

August 2, 2024
August 2, 2024

Surrealism and dark arts: Leaving citizens behind

Under the Tories, the emperor lost its clothes—if it ever had any. Its international rhetoric of “leave no one behind” is a hollow slogan at home.

July 6, 2024
July 6, 2024

No class war from Britain’s most working-class government

The United Kingdom will have a new Labour government whose class composition will be radically different from previous ones.

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