Renowned actress Azmeri Haque Badhan, celebrated for her stellar performances in films and web series, will no longer be a part of Lamia Chowdhury's highly anticipated film, “Meyeder Golpo.”
As the verdict was announced by Judge Arunabh Chakraborty of the Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal-2, Sohel Chowdhury’s daughter Lamia Chowdhury explains her deep angst over the incident.
The film, titled “Meyeder Golpo", is written by Lamia herself. It will be produced by “Rehana Maryam Noor” famed actress Azmeri Haque Badhan.
Celebrity actress Parveen Sultana Diti is renowned in the Bangladeshi film industry for her eternal beauty and versatile talent. Behind her tender appearance and bold persona, she is suffering from cancer.
Renowned actress Azmeri Haque Badhan, celebrated for her stellar performances in films and web series, will no longer be a part of Lamia Chowdhury's highly anticipated film, “Meyeder Golpo.”
As the verdict was announced by Judge Arunabh Chakraborty of the Dhaka Speedy Trial Tribunal-2, Sohel Chowdhury’s daughter Lamia Chowdhury explains her deep angst over the incident.
The film, titled “Meyeder Golpo", is written by Lamia herself. It will be produced by “Rehana Maryam Noor” famed actress Azmeri Haque Badhan.
Celebrity actress Parveen Sultana Diti is renowned in the Bangladeshi film industry for her eternal beauty and versatile talent. Behind her tender appearance and bold persona, she is suffering from cancer.