
Eid festivities cut short litchi season in Dinajpur

The adverse weather conditions, including severe heat and lack of rain, have significantly impacted this season's litchi yield

Litchi prices higher as yields dip

Litchi farmers across Bangladesh are registering poor yields this year due to adverse weather, meaning that consumers will have to pay more for the fruit in face of short supply.

Litchi farmers fear lower yields this year

Litchi farmers are concerned about potentially lower yields this year due to poor weather conditions, which hampered the flowering and budding stages of the fruit.

Encephalitis from litchis kills 31 children in India

At least 31 children have died in northern India in the last 10 days from a deadly brain disease believed linked to a toxic substance found in litchi fruit, health officials say.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Eid festivities cut short litchi season in Dinajpur

The adverse weather conditions, including severe heat and lack of rain, have significantly impacted this season's litchi yield

May 29, 2023
May 29, 2023

Litchi prices higher as yields dip

Litchi farmers across Bangladesh are registering poor yields this year due to adverse weather, meaning that consumers will have to pay more for the fruit in face of short supply.

April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023

Litchi farmers fear lower yields this year

Litchi farmers are concerned about potentially lower yields this year due to poor weather conditions, which hampered the flowering and budding stages of the fruit.

June 12, 2019
June 12, 2019

Encephalitis from litchis kills 31 children in India

At least 31 children have died in northern India in the last 10 days from a deadly brain disease believed linked to a toxic substance found in litchi fruit, health officials say.

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