
Mangoes from 4 continents in one single orchard

A recent university graduate, Shibli established the Matri Bagan, including a nursery on a three-bigha land, with 150 mango plants

Price triples as mango season starts in Rajshahi

The mango season kicked off officially in Rajshahi today as some growers started harvesting early Guti varieties

Mango exports jump as quality improves

Bangladesh’s export earnings from mango have jumped this year as local growers are supplying an improved quality of the popular fruit through both private and public initiatives.

5 mango-inspired dishes by Shanchayita

Mango has taken centre stage at Shanchayita this month, with a wide range of simple, complex, and unique dishes. While you can order their mouth-watering creations online or make reservations for a meal, here are 5 recipes to try in the comfort of your home.

Cheat Codes / 6 mango desserts that you must try this summer

The real joy of eating a mango is peeling off the skin and eating it right away, with delicious juice runs down your hand; it might be offensive to many, but a true Bengali would love to eat it that way. However, the civilised way to eat a mango would be to slice it into pieces and have the pulp with a fork. Now that the season is over and we have satiated most of those cravings, we can safely shift our attention to chilled sweet mango desserts for this scorching summer. Mangoes are high in calories; hence, everyone will ask you to keep your mango count in check. But, if you pair it with cool foods like yoghurt, you can have that extra one too. So, no reason to stop the mango binge.

From field to plate: A mango’s journey

During summer, mangoes take over every household in Bangladesh. Sometimes in the form of snacks, sometimes in the form of substitute for a meal, and sometimes just because…why not? But ever wonder how the mangoes come to your table from the field? We are about to take a look into that journey that a mango has to go through to reach your table.

Must-try monsoon mango recipes

Mangoes are simply irresistible. Some can devour five of them in the time it takes you to count to four. And they are just as irresistible once you involve them in recipes, some of which has become iconic enough to be considered a staple monsoon dish. Here are just some ways you can take advantage of this delicious fruit in some recipes for this monsoon.

Keeping mangoes for after summer — Aamshotto

This is how sun-dried, semi-hard Bengali treat loosely translated as mango leather, more commonly known by the local names of aamshotto or aamta, became part of our childhood stories — a way of carrying the sweet bounties of summer into the following months. The entire process appeals to all the human senses like the sight of the leather drying, glistening in the sun, aroma wafting while it cooked and dried, and the instant punch of the sweet smell of a ripe mango whenever one ate it.

The other summer fruit— Jaam

While mango has a cemented spot as the king of summer fruits, in its many varieties it also easily overshadows our other seasonal favourites like jaam or the java plum. The festivity around mangoes often makes for a lacklustre season for other bounties of summer. This dark purple, bordering on burgundy, lozenge sized fruit is fleshy, juicy with a hard seed and stains everything it touches a deep purple, including your mouth.

May 7, 2016
May 7, 2016

Sour green-mango delights to beat summer blast

The tangy scent or even the sound of the delightfully sour mangoes ‘kacha aam’ is all it takes to make the mouth water. This is one heavenly fruit, you would want to eat to the point of stomach ache. To us Bengalis, Kacha aam is the gift-of-gods!

March 5, 2016
March 5, 2016

Good news for mango lovers

Wouldn't it be great if you could have a mango in deep winter? Why not any time of the year? What if it was just as yellow and luscious and fragrant as one from peak season?

May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015

It’s almost MANGO time! (video)

The wait for soft and juicy fleshed mango is coming to an end. The super fruit has reached its full shape while the green ones have already hit the markets. The green skin will soon take a saffron colour.

May 6, 2015
May 6, 2015

Beat the heat with summer fruits (Video)

Summer is the first among the six seasons of Bangladesh. It brings down sweltering heat and many water-borne diseases on the people. But nature has its subtle ways of keeping things at the balance – it offers the juicy and nutritious fruits to beat the heat and diseases in summer.
