marma girl rape

Settle rule on Marma sisters in 6 weeks: SC

The Supreme Court asks the High Court to hear and settle off the rule by six weeks regarding the confinement of two Marma sisters -- one of whom was allegedly raped and another assaulted by security forces last month.

Marma sisters’ custody: SC to hear plea seeking stay on HC order tomorrow

The Supreme Court is set to hold hearing tomorrow on a petition seeking stay on the High Court order that asked the authorities concerned to give two Marma sisters, one of whom was allegedly raped and the other sexually assaulted by members of security forces last month, to their father’s custody.

Marma girls taken to ex-UP chairman's house: cops

The two Marma sisters released from hospital on Thursday have been taken to the house of a former union parishad chairman in Rangmati.

'Rape' of Marma Girl: Questions aplenty

The two Marma sisters, one of whom was allegedly raped and the other sexually assaulted by members of security forces last week, are undergoing treatment at Rangamati Sadar Hospital under tight security.

February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018

Settle rule on Marma sisters in 6 weeks: SC

The Supreme Court asks the High Court to hear and settle off the rule by six weeks regarding the confinement of two Marma sisters -- one of whom was allegedly raped and another assaulted by security forces last month.

February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018

Marma sisters’ custody: SC to hear plea seeking stay on HC order tomorrow

The Supreme Court is set to hold hearing tomorrow on a petition seeking stay on the High Court order that asked the authorities concerned to give two Marma sisters, one of whom was allegedly raped and the other sexually assaulted by members of security forces last month, to their father’s custody.

February 17, 2018
February 17, 2018

Marma girls taken to ex-UP chairman's house: cops

The two Marma sisters released from hospital on Thursday have been taken to the house of a former union parishad chairman in Rangmati.

February 1, 2018
February 1, 2018

'Rape' of Marma Girl: Questions aplenty

The two Marma sisters, one of whom was allegedly raped and the other sexually assaulted by members of security forces last week, are undergoing treatment at Rangamati Sadar Hospital under tight security.