marriage registration form

An inexplicable delay by law ministry

Why is it defying the HC ruling on removing “kumari” from Kabinnama?

5yrs after HC order: Govt yet to drop the word ‘Kumari’ from Kabin Nama

The High Court in a 2019 judgement directed the government to drop the word “kumari”, or virgin, from the marriage registration form, terming it defamatory and discriminatory against women.

May 15, 2024
May 15, 2024

An inexplicable delay by law ministry

Why is it defying the HC ruling on removing “kumari” from Kabinnama?

May 14, 2024
May 14, 2024

5yrs after HC order: Govt yet to drop the word ‘Kumari’ from Kabin Nama

The High Court in a 2019 judgement directed the government to drop the word “kumari”, or virgin, from the marriage registration form, terming it defamatory and discriminatory against women.

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