Tanvir Hasan’s much-anticipated film “Moddhobitto” debuts in theatres today, marking the first movie release of the year. The director had earlier revealed to Prothom Alo that the film would see its premiere this month. On Wednesday, he reiterated the announcement via a Facebook post, confirming that the movie would indeed hit the big screens on Friday (January 3).
The 2010 movie “Gohine Shobdo”, directed by Khalid Mahmood Mithu, received widespread acclaim when it was released. Starring Mamnun Hasan Emon, Kusum Sikder, Masum Aziz, and Abul Hayat in lead roles, this movie narrates the relationship of a young couple in present-day Dhaka, with the country's Liberation War history and ongoing economic inequality impacting them. In my opinion, good storytelling, striking narration and apt metaphors make the movie a relevant watch to this day.
The horror project starring Mehazabien and Afran Nisho now has risen in demand among both local and intertnational audiences, for the cast's stellar performance and its eerie ambiance.
Tanvir Hasan’s much-anticipated film “Moddhobitto” debuts in theatres today, marking the first movie release of the year. The director had earlier revealed to Prothom Alo that the film would see its premiere this month. On Wednesday, he reiterated the announcement via a Facebook post, confirming that the movie would indeed hit the big screens on Friday (January 3).
The 2010 movie “Gohine Shobdo”, directed by Khalid Mahmood Mithu, received widespread acclaim when it was released. Starring Mamnun Hasan Emon, Kusum Sikder, Masum Aziz, and Abul Hayat in lead roles, this movie narrates the relationship of a young couple in present-day Dhaka, with the country's Liberation War history and ongoing economic inequality impacting them. In my opinion, good storytelling, striking narration and apt metaphors make the movie a relevant watch to this day.
The horror project starring Mehazabien and Afran Nisho now has risen in demand among both local and intertnational audiences, for the cast's stellar performance and its eerie ambiance.