Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
After hearing accounts of all parties, the committee came to a decision.
On August 4, on the sets of the television project “Shoshur Batire Prothom Din'' a chaotic incident occurred when the female lead Rukaiya Jahan Chamak allegedly harassed her co-artistes verbally, at a shooting house in the capital’s Uttara. However, Chamak maintains that it was all a ‘conspiracy’ to defame her.
Actress Shobnom Bubly shared the poster of her upcoming starrer project “Pinik” on social media, announcing its release during Eid. The film is set to join the lineup alongside new movies starring Shakib Khan, Siam Ahmed, and Afran Nisho for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.
After hearing accounts of all parties, the committee came to a decision.
On August 4, on the sets of the television project “Shoshur Batire Prothom Din'' a chaotic incident occurred when the female lead Rukaiya Jahan Chamak allegedly harassed her co-artistes verbally, at a shooting house in the capital’s Uttara. However, Chamak maintains that it was all a ‘conspiracy’ to defame her.