The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.
The film “Devi” (2018) is an adaptation of a novel by celebrated author Humayun Ahmed. Helmed by director Anam Biswas, the movie featured Jaya Ahsan in a central role, while Chanchal Chowdhury portrays the character of Misir Ali. Additionally, the film showcased a noteworthy performance from television actress Sabnam Faria, who took on a key role in the film.