Michelangelo birthday

Birthday special / Michelangelo: Marble, paint and divinity

Michelangelo’s list of magnum opuses includes his most famous amongst the Pietas, “La Madonna Della Pieta” (1498-99), which depicts the body of Jesus in the lap of Mother Mary after the Crucifixion. “David”(1501–1504), which is arguably the greatest ever sculpture ever carved. Last, but not least, and one of the most recognised pieces of art that even morphed into contemporary pop culture, “The Creation of Adam" (1508–12), which is part of the majestic frescoes that he created at the ceilings of The Sistine Chapel.  

March 7, 2024
March 7, 2024

Michelangelo: Marble, paint and divinity

Michelangelo’s list of magnum opuses includes his most famous amongst the Pietas, “La Madonna Della Pieta” (1498-99), which depicts the body of Jesus in the lap of Mother Mary after the Crucifixion. “David”(1501–1504), which is arguably the greatest ever sculpture ever carved. Last, but not least, and one of the most recognised pieces of art that even morphed into contemporary pop culture, “The Creation of Adam" (1508–12), which is part of the majestic frescoes that he created at the ceilings of The Sistine Chapel.  

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