
Caught in the crossfire: Should artistes bear the brunt of political affiliations?

On August 5, the former prime minister Sheikh Hasina stepped down amid a surging student-led anti-discrimination movement. The shift in power since her ousting has sparked widespread transformations, with people from the entertainment industry not being spared from the turmoil. Many actors, linked to certain political identities, now find themselves in precarious positions. 

August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024

Caught in the crossfire: Should artistes bear the brunt of political affiliations?

On August 5, the former prime minister Sheikh Hasina stepped down amid a surging student-led anti-discrimination movement. The shift in power since her ousting has sparked widespread transformations, with people from the entertainment industry not being spared from the turmoil. Many actors, linked to certain political identities, now find themselves in precarious positions. 

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