Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul

20 polling agents of BNP traceless: Bulbul

Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, BNP mayoral candidate for Rajshahi City Corporation elections, today claimed that they could not trace at least 20 of his polling agents since last night.

Rajshahi to be turned dysfunctional if irregularities occur during polls: Bulbul

BNP nominated mayoral runner Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul warns that Rajshahi city will be turned into a dysfunctional one if the Election Commission (EC) fails to hold the Rajshahi City Corporation elections in a free, fair and credible manner.

Rajshahi mayor’s suspension to continue

Supreme Court extends its chamber judge’s order that stayed a High Court order halting suspension of Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul.

SC halts HC order on Rajshahi city mayor

The apex court stays a High Court directive that halted the government’s suspension order of Rajshahi city Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul.

Rajshahi city mayor suspended

Government sacks BNP-backed Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, officials say.

July 29, 2018
July 29, 2018

20 polling agents of BNP traceless: Bulbul

Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, BNP mayoral candidate for Rajshahi City Corporation elections, today claimed that they could not trace at least 20 of his polling agents since last night.

July 28, 2018
July 28, 2018

Rajshahi to be turned dysfunctional if irregularities occur during polls: Bulbul

BNP nominated mayoral runner Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul warns that Rajshahi city will be turned into a dysfunctional one if the Election Commission (EC) fails to hold the Rajshahi City Corporation elections in a free, fair and credible manner.

June 14, 2015
June 14, 2015

Rajshahi mayor’s suspension to continue

Supreme Court extends its chamber judge’s order that stayed a High Court order halting suspension of Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul.

June 4, 2015
June 4, 2015

SC halts HC order on Rajshahi city mayor

The apex court stays a High Court directive that halted the government’s suspension order of Rajshahi city Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul.

May 7, 2015
May 7, 2015

Rajshahi city mayor suspended

Government sacks BNP-backed Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul, officials say.

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