The film “840” boasts a star-studded cast, including Nasir Uddin Khan, Fazlur Rahman Babu, Bijori Barkatullah, Marzuk Russell, Zayed Khan, Nader Chowdhury, and Zakia Bari Mamo, among others.
Breaking the usual rule of up to two films being released on the same day, three highly anticipated Bangladeshi films are set to hit cinemas this Friday. While typically, only two films can be released on non-festival days, the industry is making an exception. This week, audiences can look forward to Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s political satire “840: The Great Bangla Democracy Pvt. Ltd”, Belal Sani’s sci-fi horror “Danger Zone,” and Shabnam Parvin’s comedy “Hurmoti”.
The film “840” boasts a star-studded cast, including Nasir Uddin Khan, Fazlur Rahman Babu, Bijori Barkatullah, Marzuk Russell, Zayed Khan, Nader Chowdhury, and Zakia Bari Mamo, among others.
Breaking the usual rule of up to two films being released on the same day, three highly anticipated Bangladeshi films are set to hit cinemas this Friday. While typically, only two films can be released on non-festival days, the industry is making an exception. This week, audiences can look forward to Mostofa Sarwar Farooki’s political satire “840: The Great Bangla Democracy Pvt. Ltd”, Belal Sani’s sci-fi horror “Danger Zone,” and Shabnam Parvin’s comedy “Hurmoti”.