Puja Cherry plays a glamorous role in the web-series “Black Money”, directed by Raihan Rafi. The show has finished filming and is expected to premiere on Bongo in the new year.
Prominent small-screen actor Farhan Ahmed Jovan recently appeared in the new drama "Momota", directed by Topu Khan and written by Limon Ahmed. The drama also stars actress Sadia Ayman alongside Jovan.
Puja Cherry plays a glamorous role in the web-series “Black Money”, directed by Raihan Rafi. The show has finished filming and is expected to premiere on Bongo in the new year.
Prominent small-screen actor Farhan Ahmed Jovan recently appeared in the new drama "Momota", directed by Topu Khan and written by Limon Ahmed. The drama also stars actress Sadia Ayman alongside Jovan.