Pori Moni, a popular actress known for her engaging public appearances, faced unexpected challenges that prevented her from attending an event in Tangail today. Despite days of promotion on Facebook, where the actress announced her plans to inaugurate the Tin Market showroom near the Elenga bus stand, the event took an unexpected turn due to objections from the National Ulama Mashayekh Aimma Parishad and Hefazat-e-Islam’s Tangail and Kalihati branches.
Pori Moni, a popular actress known for her engaging public appearances, faced unexpected challenges that prevented her from attending an event in Tangail today. Despite days of promotion on Facebook, where the actress announced her plans to inaugurate the Tin Market showroom near the Elenga bus stand, the event took an unexpected turn due to objections from the National Ulama Mashayekh Aimma Parishad and Hefazat-e-Islam’s Tangail and Kalihati branches.