Originally intended for release on his death anniversary, January 14, a special tribute video titled “Bohumatrik Selim Al Deen” will now be premiered tonight at 9pm on the official Facebook pages of Dhaka Theatre and Bangladesh Gram Theatre.
In post-colonial Bangla literature, the legendary dramatist, Natyacharya Selim Al Deen, a pioneer of modern Bangla theatre, is often credited with introducing a new dimension to the genre. He was also the visionary behind Bangladesh Gram Theatre.
Under their two-day long initiative, titled “Natyacharya Selim Al Deen Smaran Utsab”, they will stage two of their most popular shows, “Chitrangada” and “Macbeth” on January 13 and 14 respectively, at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
Originally intended for release on his death anniversary, January 14, a special tribute video titled “Bohumatrik Selim Al Deen” will now be premiered tonight at 9pm on the official Facebook pages of Dhaka Theatre and Bangladesh Gram Theatre.
In post-colonial Bangla literature, the legendary dramatist, Natyacharya Selim Al Deen, a pioneer of modern Bangla theatre, is often credited with introducing a new dimension to the genre. He was also the visionary behind Bangladesh Gram Theatre.
Under their two-day long initiative, titled “Natyacharya Selim Al Deen Smaran Utsab”, they will stage two of their most popular shows, “Chitrangada” and “Macbeth” on January 13 and 14 respectively, at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.