The 96th Academy Awards has recently announced this year's nominees for the Best Live Action Short Film. The entire crew of ‘Red, White and Blue’ waited in anticipation to hear their film’s name. When it finally happened, Nazrin Choudhury, the film’s director, was overwhelmed with emotion. She, along with her daughters, burst into tears. She thanked everyone who supported her, and the very next day, Bangladeshi newspapers prominently featured headlines about Nazrin Choudhury, the Bangladeshi-origin British-American screenwriter, who secured her first Oscar nomination with her directorial debut film.
Yesterday, the 96th Academy Awards unveiled nominations, recognizing Nazrin Choudhury, a British American screenwriter, director, and actress of Bangladeshi origin.
The 96th Academy Awards has recently announced this year's nominees for the Best Live Action Short Film. The entire crew of ‘Red, White and Blue’ waited in anticipation to hear their film’s name. When it finally happened, Nazrin Choudhury, the film’s director, was overwhelmed with emotion. She, along with her daughters, burst into tears. She thanked everyone who supported her, and the very next day, Bangladeshi newspapers prominently featured headlines about Nazrin Choudhury, the Bangladeshi-origin British-American screenwriter, who secured her first Oscar nomination with her directorial debut film.
Yesterday, the 96th Academy Awards unveiled nominations, recognizing Nazrin Choudhury, a British American screenwriter, director, and actress of Bangladeshi origin.