new political party

Zia's brother to float political party

Ahmed Kamal, younger brother of late president and BNP founder Ziaur Rahman, yesterday said he was likely to launch a new political party within a year or two.

Zia’s younger brother to form new political party

BNP founder Ziaur Rahman’s younger brother Ahmed Kamal announces that he will form a new political party.

March 6, 2016
March 6, 2016

Zia's brother to float political party

Ahmed Kamal, younger brother of late president and BNP founder Ziaur Rahman, yesterday said he was likely to launch a new political party within a year or two.

March 5, 2016
March 5, 2016

Zia’s younger brother to form new political party

BNP founder Ziaur Rahman’s younger brother Ahmed Kamal announces that he will form a new political party.