
Five spectacular lighthouses you can't miss

Lighthouses are often deemed as entities which beaconed travellers setting sail in ships, a landmark which held an utmost importance only to them. But with time, their fascinating stories have touched the surface of human history, pristine for mankind to see and instilling a want to behold their lonesome marvelousness. So, here are 5 most beautiful lighthouses around the world awaiting your visit, placed in faraway lands like Ireland to nearer ones like China.

We should ratify the high seas treaty

Situated in a region with extensive maritime boundaries and diverse marine ecosystems, Bangladesh stands to gain immense benefits from this agreement. By becoming a party to the treaty, the country can play a pivotal role in global efforts to address critical challenges such as overfishing, marine biodiversity loss, and habitat degradation in areas beyond national jurisdictions.

Love for the sea

You open your eyes after an all-nighter, dreading that you are still stuck in a box of an apartment, strung along with the rest of the concrete jungle you call home. Whether it is your weekend or a weekday, the never-ending incessant drowning city noise makes you contemplate on life decisions that you made oh so eagerly through your naive young self.

Giant asteroid has ‘unique’ glowing specs

Situated some 250 million miles from Earth, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is the largest object in the asteroid belt: Ceres.

Hubble finds 'best evidence' for Ganymede subsurface ocean

There is further, compelling evidence that Ganymede - the largest moon in the Solar System - has an ocean of water beneath its icy crust.

January 24, 2024
January 24, 2024

Five spectacular lighthouses you can't miss

Lighthouses are often deemed as entities which beaconed travellers setting sail in ships, a landmark which held an utmost importance only to them. But with time, their fascinating stories have touched the surface of human history, pristine for mankind to see and instilling a want to behold their lonesome marvelousness. So, here are 5 most beautiful lighthouses around the world awaiting your visit, placed in faraway lands like Ireland to nearer ones like China.

August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023

We should ratify the high seas treaty

Situated in a region with extensive maritime boundaries and diverse marine ecosystems, Bangladesh stands to gain immense benefits from this agreement. By becoming a party to the treaty, the country can play a pivotal role in global efforts to address critical challenges such as overfishing, marine biodiversity loss, and habitat degradation in areas beyond national jurisdictions.

April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023

Love for the sea

You open your eyes after an all-nighter, dreading that you are still stuck in a box of an apartment, strung along with the rest of the concrete jungle you call home. Whether it is your weekend or a weekday, the never-ending incessant drowning city noise makes you contemplate on life decisions that you made oh so eagerly through your naive young self.

March 17, 2016
March 17, 2016

Giant asteroid has ‘unique’ glowing specs

Situated some 250 million miles from Earth, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is the largest object in the asteroid belt: Ceres.

March 13, 2015
March 13, 2015

Hubble finds 'best evidence' for Ganymede subsurface ocean

There is further, compelling evidence that Ganymede - the largest moon in the Solar System - has an ocean of water beneath its icy crust.