
Scientists discover major Jurassic fossil site in Argentina

Paleontologists in Argentina announce the discovery of a major Jurassic-era fossil site four years after it was first discovered.

Dinosaur blood vessels survived 80m yrs without fossilizing

Tiny, delicate vessels that carried blood through a duck-billed dinosaur 80 million years ago never fossilized and still contain the beast's tissue, a new study finds.

New human-like species discovered in S Africa (video)

A new human-like species is discovered by scientists in a burial chamber deep in a cave system in South Africa.

February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016

Scientists discover major Jurassic fossil site in Argentina

Paleontologists in Argentina announce the discovery of a major Jurassic-era fossil site four years after it was first discovered.

December 12, 2015
December 12, 2015

Dinosaur blood vessels survived 80m yrs without fossilizing

Tiny, delicate vessels that carried blood through a duck-billed dinosaur 80 million years ago never fossilized and still contain the beast's tissue, a new study finds.

September 10, 2015
September 10, 2015

New human-like species discovered in S Africa (video)

A new human-like species is discovered by scientists in a burial chamber deep in a cave system in South Africa.