
#Perspective / Creaky backs and shattered hearts: What they don’t tell you about your 30s

Life doesn't always unfold according to societal expectations or personal plans, especially as you enter your thirties. While there's often pressure to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, the reality is far more complex. Here's a glimpse into what you might encounter as you navigate your 30s and beyond.

The lingering effects of familial unemployment on young people

The psychological costs of one’s parents going into unemployment are extremely nuanced

How children are affected by their parents' unhappy marriage

Marital conflict can result in constant fighting and can breed a hostile atmosphere.

Tackling frustrations with non-tech savvy parents

When teaching your parents new technology, it is important to approach the task with patience and compassion.

Bangladeshi TV shows fail to cater to ageing audiences

Older audiences have always relied on TV for clean and engaging content reflective of our local lifestyle.

How to convince your parents to let you go on a trip with friends

In a country where parents often do not let us travel alone within city limits, having to ask your parents for permission to go on a trip with friends is often a harrowing experience.

The way we hide our lives from our parents

We’re used to presenting an obedient yet cheerful mask of who we are.

The Connotations Around “Broken Family”

Raising a child is no easy feat. Single parents have to fulfil the roles of both a mother and a father.

April 6, 2015
April 6, 2015

UK dads can now avail of 25 weeks paternity leave

New rights to allow parents to share leave following the birth or adoption of their child have come into effect in the UK.

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