personality traits

#Guides / 6 habits to quit for a successful life

This fast and frenzied world has us constantly on our toes, needing us to upgrade ourselves every so often. Fortunately, there are several ways to figure out what might not be working for you and to find sustainable, productive ways to reach your very own version 2.0.

How to avoid ungrateful people

As an individual, who has several social circles to maintain and work with, one of the most undesirable traits that we come across is that of ingratitude. Ungrateful people are those who do not appreciate the efforts of others and fail to express gratitude for the things they receive. Such individuals can exhibit toxic behaviour and drain the positivity out of any situation, and at times it falls on us whether we want to preserve our sanity or deal with them.

The struggles of being an ambivert

Being an ambivert can simultaneously be the best and worst of both worlds.

#Perspective / Characteristics that show you are strong, not arrogant

A noble quality that enables you to live life with purpose and tenacity is strong character. However, some people might mistake your self-assurance for arrogance, particularly if they are not used to seeing people with your level of commitment. The following list of 15 traits that some might mistake for arrogance but actually indicate strong character.

#Perspective / Boundaries you need to set for inner peace

Boundaries are very important. We all have limitations and we tend to often take things to the limits simply because we don’t have any boundaries. This can be very bad for our inner peace and so, we need to act accordingly. Sure, you may feel guilty at first and they may not give the best impression to others but remember, you must protect your boundaries at all cost. Besides, boundaries increase our sense of selves and self-worth.

How to be more disciplined in life?

Ever seen people who breeze through life with the right amount of sleep, a healthy diet, and time for everything? They seem to be living a charmed life. However, it’s not as much magic, as it is discipline — a good habit that takes years of perseverance to build and sustain. A fizzle-proof way of life, discipline delivers much more than willpower or motivation, and can be the best bet for even the lazier ones amongst us.

#Perspective / Learning to say No!

A vital life skill that many individuals struggle with is learning to say "no." It may be challenging to set limits and advocate for oneself, whether it's in response to a social invitation, a request for assistance at work, or a request for a personal favour. Nonetheless, it may be beneficial to others to say "no," as well as one's personal well-being.

How to move on from past toxicity

Here are some tips for healing and growing past toxicity.

#Perspective / Why don’t people like you?

It’s a diverse world and no two people are alike. As viewpoints differ, some gel together seamlessly while others clash and cause friction. This is expected, and quite natural. However, what if you find that you are unable to befriend anyone at all, and that everyone shuns you from their circle. It might be time for some introspection.

May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

6 habits to quit for a successful life

This fast and frenzied world has us constantly on our toes, needing us to upgrade ourselves every so often. Fortunately, there are several ways to figure out what might not be working for you and to find sustainable, productive ways to reach your very own version 2.0.

May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023

How to avoid ungrateful people

As an individual, who has several social circles to maintain and work with, one of the most undesirable traits that we come across is that of ingratitude. Ungrateful people are those who do not appreciate the efforts of others and fail to express gratitude for the things they receive. Such individuals can exhibit toxic behaviour and drain the positivity out of any situation, and at times it falls on us whether we want to preserve our sanity or deal with them.

March 16, 2023
March 16, 2023

The struggles of being an ambivert

Being an ambivert can simultaneously be the best and worst of both worlds.

March 11, 2023
March 11, 2023

Characteristics that show you are strong, not arrogant

A noble quality that enables you to live life with purpose and tenacity is strong character. However, some people might mistake your self-assurance for arrogance, particularly if they are not used to seeing people with your level of commitment. The following list of 15 traits that some might mistake for arrogance but actually indicate strong character.

March 1, 2023
March 1, 2023

Boundaries you need to set for inner peace

Boundaries are very important. We all have limitations and we tend to often take things to the limits simply because we don’t have any boundaries. This can be very bad for our inner peace and so, we need to act accordingly. Sure, you may feel guilty at first and they may not give the best impression to others but remember, you must protect your boundaries at all cost. Besides, boundaries increase our sense of selves and self-worth.

February 25, 2023
February 25, 2023

How to be more disciplined in life?

Ever seen people who breeze through life with the right amount of sleep, a healthy diet, and time for everything? They seem to be living a charmed life. However, it’s not as much magic, as it is discipline — a good habit that takes years of perseverance to build and sustain. A fizzle-proof way of life, discipline delivers much more than willpower or motivation, and can be the best bet for even the lazier ones amongst us.

February 22, 2023
February 22, 2023

Learning to say No!

A vital life skill that many individuals struggle with is learning to say "no." It may be challenging to set limits and advocate for oneself, whether it's in response to a social invitation, a request for assistance at work, or a request for a personal favour. Nonetheless, it may be beneficial to others to say "no," as well as one's personal well-being.

January 31, 2023
January 31, 2023

How to move on from past toxicity

Here are some tips for healing and growing past toxicity.

January 15, 2023
January 15, 2023

Why don’t people like you?

It’s a diverse world and no two people are alike. As viewpoints differ, some gel together seamlessly while others clash and cause friction. This is expected, and quite natural. However, what if you find that you are unable to befriend anyone at all, and that everyone shuns you from their circle. It might be time for some introspection.

January 15, 2023
January 15, 2023

Mastering elegance

Sought after by everyone, elegance is but an elusive virtue. It is a fairly common mistake to think that only aesthetics make class, when in fact, true sophistication is a mix of outward grooming, mindful habits, and intrinsic virtues. Here are a few ways to find out whether you have any of the prime traits that inherently classy people possess.