
Petrobangla cancels LNG spot cargo deliveries

Bangladesh's Petrobangla has cancelled some spot liquefied natural gas imports after one of the country's two import terminals was damaged during a cyclone, leaving it unable to receive shipments, two industry sources said on Tuesday

What to make of Petrobangla’s new oil and gas exploration tender?

The international tender for shallow and deep sea oil and gas exploration sparks some questions regarding its potential success in attracting offshore oil and gas exploration

Tender floated for offshore oil, gas exploration

Petrobangla yesterday floated the offshore bidding tender inviting international oil and gas companies (IOCs) to explore Bangladesh’s maritime area in the Bay of Bengal.

When will fuel prices be adjusted?

Government must reduce financial burden for citizens

Maddhapara Granite posts drop in profit for declining sales

Even with record high production, profit of MGMCL dropped as half of the rock remained unsold

Bangladesh's Summit to supply 1.5 million tonnes LNG to Petrobangla from Oct 2026

Bangladesh's Summit Group set to supply 1.5 million tons of LNG per year to Petrobangla for 15 years, starting from Oct 2026

Offshore Gas Exploration: Petrobangla drafts new negotiation guidelines

Petrobangla has prepared a draft of the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for offshore gas exploration that improves the state-owned company’s bargaining position when it sits down for negotiation with global oil companies.

Gas price hike spells trouble for industries

The latest hike of gas prices undoubtedly spells trouble for industries as they will try to shift the burden onto consumers by raising product prices, which will boomerang onto them by eating away at their competitiveness in international markets. 

Curbing BERC’s authority sets us up for more trouble

The amendment to BERC Act alters its position as the sole authority for fixing energy prices.

June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024

Petrobangla cancels LNG spot cargo deliveries

Bangladesh's Petrobangla has cancelled some spot liquefied natural gas imports after one of the country's two import terminals was damaged during a cyclone, leaving it unable to receive shipments, two industry sources said on Tuesday

March 19, 2024
March 19, 2024

What to make of Petrobangla’s new oil and gas exploration tender?

The international tender for shallow and deep sea oil and gas exploration sparks some questions regarding its potential success in attracting offshore oil and gas exploration

March 11, 2024
March 11, 2024

Tender floated for offshore oil, gas exploration

Petrobangla yesterday floated the offshore bidding tender inviting international oil and gas companies (IOCs) to explore Bangladesh’s maritime area in the Bay of Bengal.

January 26, 2024
January 26, 2024

When will fuel prices be adjusted?

Government must reduce financial burden for citizens

January 21, 2024
January 21, 2024

Maddhapara Granite posts drop in profit for declining sales

Even with record high production, profit of MGMCL dropped as half of the rock remained unsold

January 17, 2024
January 17, 2024

Bangladesh's Summit to supply 1.5 million tonnes LNG to Petrobangla from Oct 2026

Bangladesh's Summit Group set to supply 1.5 million tons of LNG per year to Petrobangla for 15 years, starting from Oct 2026

May 9, 2023
May 9, 2023

Offshore Gas Exploration: Petrobangla drafts new negotiation guidelines

Petrobangla has prepared a draft of the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for offshore gas exploration that improves the state-owned company’s bargaining position when it sits down for negotiation with global oil companies.

January 19, 2023
January 19, 2023

Gas price hike spells trouble for industries

The latest hike of gas prices undoubtedly spells trouble for industries as they will try to shift the burden onto consumers by raising product prices, which will boomerang onto them by eating away at their competitiveness in international markets. 

December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022

Curbing BERC’s authority sets us up for more trouble

The amendment to BERC Act alters its position as the sole authority for fixing energy prices.

September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022

Another day, another damning audit report

Will Petrobangla remain unaccountable?

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