play and children

Childhood devoid of play

Government must address children’s lack of playtime, dwindling playgrounds

Play should be a fundamental right for all children

Play is not a unique human construction: baby animals engage in play, using it to learn a variety of important skills

Risky play and adventure playgrounds

Children flourish when given the opportunity to explore their environment and calculate risks.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

Childhood devoid of play

Government must address children’s lack of playtime, dwindling playgrounds

June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024

Play should be a fundamental right for all children

Play is not a unique human construction: baby animals engage in play, using it to learn a variety of important skills

March 31, 2024
March 31, 2024

Risky play and adventure playgrounds

Children flourish when given the opportunity to explore their environment and calculate risks.

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