political gridlocks

Mad politics

POLITICS seems to have gone mad! It has ruthlessly been harming future nation-builders by shattering their academic life alongside killing innocent people and destroying the country's economic backbone.

CROSS TALK / A dialogue of the deaf?

THE civil society members have done the most civilised thing. They have made an appeal to the president, prime minister and the BNP chairperson for a dialogue to save this country.

A look at the current POLITICAL CRISIS

EVERY day we see in the media graphic images and horror stories of innocent civilians -- victims of the ongoing political unrest. Who is to blame?

February 14, 2015
February 14, 2015

Mad politics

POLITICS seems to have gone mad! It has ruthlessly been harming future nation-builders by shattering their academic life alongside killing innocent people and destroying the country's economic backbone.

February 13, 2015
February 13, 2015

A dialogue of the deaf?

THE civil society members have done the most civilised thing. They have made an appeal to the president, prime minister and the BNP chairperson for a dialogue to save this country.

February 12, 2015
February 12, 2015

A look at the current POLITICAL CRISIS

EVERY day we see in the media graphic images and horror stories of innocent civilians -- victims of the ongoing political unrest. Who is to blame?